Zu meiner Performance am 22.03.2018 im Gaslight Cafe im TIKK "Spring Is Here Edition" hat Gastgeber Frank Pyne folgende Worte gefunden:
"I kept thinking if Hunter S Thompson made music it would probably resemble this...
@Stefan Hering Cerin provided us with the kind of unique improvised musical experience the Gaslight Cafe was conceived for on Thursday
night .... when he brought his spot to an end it was as if it was still going on we just couldn't hear it anymore - as if he had managed to stuff it back in his wildly varied box of LPs.
While most of us musicians are akin to magicians who pull the same rabbit out of the same hat every time we perform (even some improvisers are prone to cliche) with Stefan you can never tell
what kind of animal he will pull out of what kind of hat, but you can always be sure it will be not be a tame rabbit. Catch him if you can wherever you can. Also was a lot of fun to talk to
him and hear his take on music, making music, obsolescence and just about any other subject you can think of. Grandiose."
Wow - ich bin beeindruckt und sage vielmals Danke! Sowohl für diese mehr als tiefgehende Rezension, als auch für die
Einladung HiFi3 unter solch perfekten Bedingungen (Bühnentechnik und allgemeiner Rahmen) präsentiert haben zu können.